Dip, Drive, Finish

Barbells For Boobs Workout coming SATURDAY! 

Need some inspiration to participate?  Read this

WOD for Monday 101011Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Push Press
3 Rounds For Time:
7 Clean and Jerks (155/105)
15 Chest to Bar Pullups

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For the strength segment do single rep Push Presses as heavy as possible.  Watch the video below to see the proper way to lower the bar (note that in the video he’s doing reps from behind the neck, whereas you’ll be from the front, but the idea is the same).

For the conditioning workout, scale pullups and C&J as necessary to ensure proper movement execution. 

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm with Coach Paul!
Drill – partner-push
Mobility – focus on soles of feet
12 to 20 reps of the following:
10 jumping air squats
Run 200m
10 jumping air squats
Rest 1 min between intervals

Push Press Recovery

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