A) Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
20 Alternating Arm Hugs (Swings)
10 Belly Dancer arms
10 Scap Push-ups
:10 Bear Crawl
5 Up Downs
10 No Weight Deadlifts
B) Upper Body Pump (Bicep/Tricep)
3 sets:
20-30 Bicep Curls (banded, DB, KB, Back Pack)
20-30 Tricep Extensions (can be banded, DB Skull Crushers, Chair Dips)
rest :60
Get pump, love life
C) Handstand Practice
Bear Plank x :20
Bear Crawl Shoulder Taps: 40 Slow and controlled reps
Donkey Kicks: 2 x 5 kicks on each leg
HS Hold Against Wall: 2 x :30 Holds (facing in or out, whatever is easier today)
2-3 mins of Freestanding HS Practice
D) Conditioning:
For Time-10 Min Cap
21 Up Down over object
1 Round Object DT
18 Up Down over object
1 Round Object DT
15 Up Down over object
1 Round Object DT
12 Up Down Over Object
1 Round Object DT
*1 Round of “DT” is
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Shoulder 2 Overhead