CFD workout for 05/05/20


CFD workout for 05/05/20

Warm Up:

2 RDS Tabata Style (:20 on/:10 off)

Butt Kickers

High Knees


Arm Circles

Bodyweight Russian Twists

Shoulder Mobility: (5 Mins)

2 Rounds:

15 Passthroughs (pvc, broomstick, band etc)

:20 relaxed hang from something (can sub puppy pose as needed)

Prone Pec Stretch x :30 each side (1st round bent arm, 2nd round straight arm)

rest :60 b/w rounds

L-Sit Progression (Wk. 2)

EMOTM x 5 Mins:

:15-:25 V-Hold


For Time (12 Min Cap)

100 Double Unders/Jumping Jacks/Singles

30 Alt. DB Hang Snatch

100 Double Unders/Jumping Jacks/Singles

30 Alt. DB Hang Snatch

*If you use a KB or other odd object that makes it hard to switch hands you can do multiple reps on one side for the snatches