CFD workout for 05/19/20

Warm Up:

2 rounds: Tabata Style

Jog in place

Alternating Lunges

Standing Forward Fold

Cossack Lunges

Hollow Lifts

Hip Mobility:

“27 Squat Routine”
Following along with the video:

1 Squat each in your natural squat stance:
Toes Forward
Toes Out
Toes in

Then Repeat in a wide stance

And again in a narrow stance

Then repeat with right leg slightly forward

Then finish with left leg slightly forward

:60 of Frog Stretch
:60 each of Pigeon Pose
:60 of Standing forward fold

Build: Shoulders

3 sets: (10 Mins)
20 Single Arm Arnold Press (10/arm)
:30 Front Leaning Rest

rest :90 b/w sets


“Chief Style “

3 Clean
6 Push Press
9 Squat

*Rest 1:00
repeat for 5 rounds total

-Pick up where you left off at the start of each new 3 min window-