CFD workout for 05/20/20

Warm Up:

6 minutes moving through the following movements SLOWLY:

10 Squat Rotations (R/L=2)

-In a squat, reach one arm up to ceiling in rotational movement, then switch.

5 Up dog into Down dog

10 Grasshoppers each leg

10 Inch Worms (no push-up)

10 Air Squats

10 Reach Backs


EMOTM x 10 Mins
6 Shredders

1 Shredder = Updown + 2 crossbody mtn climbers + 2 alt. jump lunges with a clap underneath. Enjoy 😉

Full Body Sweat!

EMOTM x 10 Mins
Evens: 15 Single DB Thrusters* see video
Odds: 6-10 ea/side DB/KB Rows


15 Min AMRAP (not at sprint pace, move for quality)

20 Good Mornings
20 Single Leg Glute Bridge
20 Split Squats (10/10)
20 Tuck Up

*Add weight or bands as available!