Warm Up:
1 Round
20 Hands behind head Goodmornings
20 Russian Twists
10 Twisted Crosses Face Up
5 Shoulder Tap Push-ups on Knees
20 Ice Skaters
10 Alternating Lunges in a Plank
Barbell Gymnastics:
With a PVC pipe or broom handle..
EMOTM x 4 Mins
5 Snatch Grip DL to above knee (hold for 2 secs above knee)
EMOTM x 4 Mins
7 High Pulls from Power Position
EMOTM x 4 Mins
5 Tempo OHS (3131)
Gymnastics Core:
Every 3 mins x 4 rounds
:20 Hollow Hold
:20 Arch Hold
:30 AMRAP of Alt. Single Leg V Ups
:30 AMRAP of Feet Up Crunches
20 Min Cap
3 Rounds for Time:
10 Bodyweight Man Makers
30 Deadlfits
30 Sit Ups
400 M Run
Bodyweight Man Maker =
Burpee + Pushup + shoulder touch + Pushup + Shoulder Touch + squat jump
*Scale by removing the pushups as needed