Warm up:
2 Rounds:
20 Alternating Arm Hugs (Swings)
10 Belly Dancer arms
10 Scap Push-ups
:10 Bear Crawl
5 Up Downs
10 No Weight Deadlifts
L-Sit Progression Week 3
3 sets of;
V Sit hold with 1 leg extended x :20-:30 each leg
rest :60 b/w sets ( both legs = 1 set)
CF “Hope” (17 Mins)
Each minute is an AMRAP of the listed movement.
Score is total number of reps completed across the 3 rounds.
3 Rounds:
1 Min Burpee
1 Min DB Snatch
1 min Step Up
1 min DB Thruster
1 min DB Bent Over Row
1 min Rest