Warm up: 2 Rounds
10 Up Downs
20 Alternating Shoulder Taps
10 Alternating Toy Soldier Kicks
10 Alternating Lunges in a plank
10 Alternating Hang DB Snatches
Every 2:00 x 5 sets
5 Touch and Go Power Snatches ( or 10 alt. DB Snatches)
10 Lateral OTB Burpees (or over DB)
*Stay light on the snatches… this is our first time back to doing these with a barbell..if you can’t do all 5 reps and then gently place the bar on the ground.. it’s too heavy 😉
3 sets
:30 Side Plank (add weight if you’re feeling dangerous)
20-30 Toe Touch Crunches
15 Arch Ups
rest 1:00
Accrue 1:00 in an Overhead Hold (Barbell or DB, 1:00 each if single object)
Childs Pose x 1:00
Clean up!