CFD workout for 9/1/2020


Warm up:

4 Rounds:

4 Prisoner Good mornings

4 Air Squats

4 Up Downs

2 Rounds:

6 Alternating Tall plank rotations (Plank on hands, rotate and reach hand to sky keeping feet in same spot)

6 light Push Press

Conditioning: (17 Mins)

Every :90 x 6 sets (9 mins)

7 Thrusters

7 Bar Facing Burpees

rest till 12:00 mark

EMOTM x 5 Mins

5 Front Squats (heavier than previous Thrusters)

*Keep thrusters unbroken. Score is weight on the Thrusters and weight on the Front Squats


:90 Low grasshopper stretch

:30 Saddle Pose

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