Gymnastics Strength: Ring Dips
EMOTM x 6 Mins
5-10 Ring Dips/Ring Pushups/Parallette Push ups
Alt . Tabata x 4 Mins (8 full sets… 4 of each)
Hollow Hold
Arch Hold
*20 secs of hold-10 sec rest
*Alt. between Arch and Hollow holds each set
Every 2:00 x 6 Mins (3 sets)
10 Alt. DB Snatch
15 Pushups
20 Situps
rest 1:00
3 Rounds for Time:
10 Alt. DB Snatch
15 Pushups
20 Situps
*Score is total time… so if it takes someone 3 mins to do the 3 RFT then their score would be 10mins (6 min EMOM + 1 min rest + 3 mins of RFT)
Comp: 70/50, 15 Pushups, 20 Situps
Fitness: 50/35, 15 Pushups, 20 Situps
GPP: 35/25, 10 Pushups, 15 Situps
Health: 25/15, Assisted Pushups, 10-15 situps