Pushup and Go

Labor Day WODs tomorrow at 9 and 10am! 

Special Bootcamp Workout at 9am!

WOD for Sunday 090212 Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Bench Press (50% 1RM)
9 sets of 3 reps
3 sets of 8 reps
2 Rounds For Time:
10 Pushups
Sprint 100m
15 Pushups
Sprint 80m
20 Pushups
Sprint 60m
25 Pushups
Sprint 40m

*rest 60 seconds between rounds

Post Bench Press Loads and Workout Time to Comments
The goal is to move the weight as quickly as possible for each attempt.  There should be no “grinding” of any reps.  If you cannot perform all of your reps at this speed then you need to use a lighter load…regardless of whether you’re at 50% or not.  Perform 3 sets each at a wide, medium, and narrow grip. 

For the conditioning workout, you should sprint immediately upon finishing your last pushup.  Rest exactly 1 minute between rounds.  Note that these runs are very short.  Run as hard as you can!

OPEN GYM today from 10am-12pm in the GREEN ROOM!

Holiday Weekend Schedule
Sunday – Regular WODs
Monday – 9am WOD, 9am Bootcamp, and 10am WOD

What if we could all sprint like this?

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