Saturday, March 20th — Register here!
From now until the end of February,
ALL athletes who refer a friend to our next
Foundations Class or February Bootcamps
will receive ONE MONTH FREE!
Help us spread the word about Courage Fitness Durham!
WOD for Wednesday 020310 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Hang Clean
3 reps @ 65% 1RM
3 reps @ 70% 1RM
3 reps @ 80% 1RM
3 reps @ 85% 1RM
3 reps @ 95% 1RM
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
15 Ring Rows
15 Wall Ball (20/12)
Run 200m
Post Loads and Number of Rounds Completed to Comments
Hang Cleans do not have to be perfromed “touch and go” on the ground. Make sure you are set up correctly for each rep to ensure proper movement execution and ability to lift max loads.
Olympic Weightlifting Seminar — Sunday, February 21st — SOLD OUT!
BEAST SKILLS Gymnastics Seminar — Saturday, March 13th
Durham Indoor Rowing Trials — Saturday, March 20th
Upcoming FOUNDATIONS Classes
Starting February 16th (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Starting March 9th (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Bootcamps – Starting Feb. 22nd
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp (M/W/F @ 6:15am)
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp (M/W/F @ 7:15am)
Weight Loss Bootcamp (M/W/F @ 7pm)
Go for your own WORLD RECORD at the Durham Indoor Rowing Trials on March 20th!