Surrounded By Jerks

Check out awesome Black Friday weekend shopping from

our friends at Muscle Driver USA and Rogue Fitness!

WOD for Saturday 112412 Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Jerk – 90% 1RM              
For Time:
7 Power Clean and Jerks (155/105)
5 Handstand Pushups
6 Power Clean and Jerks
10 Handstand Pushups
5 Power Clean and Jerks
15 Handstand Pushups

Post Jerk Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, after warming up perform 5 sets of  single rep Jerks at 90% 1RM.  These should be very heavy.  You can take the bar from the rack each set and perform Push Jerks or Split Jerks.  Make sure you take good rest between these work sets (2-3 minutes).  If you get a PR, be sure to put it up on the board!

For the conditioning workout, the load for the PC & Jerk should feel heavy.  It’s only 18 reps total, so consider around 80-85% of your 1RM.  Scale your HSPUs as needed.  Do not reduce the ROM to get through it faster.  Consider doing kick ups, wall walks, or negatives. 

COMMUNITY WORKOUT today at 11am!  Bring your friends!

Josh Everett on Split Jerks

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