We have a group marching in today’s NC Pride Parade. Everyone is welcome to march. Meet over on Main Street by Duke East Campus starting at 11am. Parade begins at 1pm! WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week Metcon: “Franzibeth” 21-15-9 Cluster (115/75) Pullups Ring DipsRead More
Don’t forget our Competitors WOD tonight, and every Friday night, at 7:30pm with Coach Tripp! WOD Strength: Push Jerk 50% x 2 60% x 2 70% x 2 80% x 1 85% x 1 90% x 1 1-1-1 @ 95% Metcon: Franzibeth 21-15-9 reps for time: Cluster (115/85) Pullups Ring Dips Time cap of 18...Read More
We’re hosting the Bull City Barbell Open on Saturday, August 2nd. This is a great opportunity for your first Olympic Weightlifting Meet if you’ve never competed before…home turf in front of all your friends! Ask Dave about 50% off your registration fee if you’re a first time competitor!Read More