Triple Beam Lyrical Dream

Join us on Sunday at 10 and 11am to pay tribute to Xander and raise some cash for The Animal Protection Society of Durham!

Barbells For Boobs Workout coming NEXT SATURDAY! 

Need some inspiration to participate?  Read this

WOD for Saturday 100811Click Here For Today’s Schedule
KB Snatch
Drills and Practice
In teams of three, with only one person per station, complete 5 sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Pullups
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of DB Thrusters (40/25)
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of KB Swings (52/35)
Rest 60 seconds

Post Team Reps to Comments
For the skill segment, we will work on KB Snatch drills and technique.  If you have wrist bands, wear them.

For the conditioning workout, teammates will rotate through all three stations a total of 5 times keeping a running tally of all reps completed.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT this morning at 9am with Coach Paul!
Drill — Running against the wall
Run 800m
Run 400m
Run 200m
Run 200m
Run 400m
Run 800m
Rest 90 seconds between intervals. The goal is to run all intervals at the same pace. Be sure to bring a watch!

There is NO Mobility Workout today!  There is a COMMUNITY WORKOUT at 11am!

Overhead Squat Prep from Kelly Starrett

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