WOD for 092518



Barbell Gymnastics: Clean

3-3-3-3 Clean (Power or squat- up to the athlete)

“70-75% of 1RM

Work on cycling the bar for the 3 reps”



7 Min Ladder:

Power Clean, 3 reps

3 Toes-to-bar

Power Clean, 6 reps

6 Toes-to-bar

Power Clean  9 reps

9 Toes-to-bar

Power Clean 12 reps

12 Toes-to-bar

Power Clean , 15 reps

15 Toes-to-bar

Power Clean , 18 reps

18 Toes-to-bar…


L1: 205/145, T2B

L2: 155/105, T2B

L3: 115/85, K2E

L4: 75/55 or DBs, Ab-Mat Sit-ups

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