Chipping Up

Caleb Ward will be here next Saturday! 

There are still some spots left for this day long seminar…and it’s only $100!

Register here

WOD for Sunday 021212Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Handstands, Handstand Pushups, Handstand Walks
Take 30 minutes to practice these skills
For Time:
30 Handstand Pushups
40 Pullups
50 KB Swings (52/35)
60 Situps
70 Burpees

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For the skill segment, practice different varieties of handstands…against the wall, free standing, handstand walks, and handstand pushups.

For the conditioning workout, scale your HSPUs and pullups as necessary.  KB Swings are American.  Situps can be done on GHD or Abmat.  Burpees should be to a jump height 6″ higher than your standing outstretched arm.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Valentine’s Day Couples Throwdown! 

Stay tuned for a very special Valentine’s Day WOD this Tuesday!