Strength & Conditioning workout for 1/2/20


Strength & Conditioning workout for 1/2/20

Core Conditioning:

3 Rounds Through ( 6 Mins)

10-15 sec Hollow Hold

10-15 V ups

10-15 Sec Arch Hold

10-15 Arch Ups

rest :60 secs between rounds


On a 15 minute running clock…..

A)Every 90 secs x 5 Sets (7:30)

10 Toes 2 Bar

AMRAP Barbell Complex*

*1 Rep of Complex = 1 Deadlift + 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean

*Reps must be completed Unbroken

@ Minute 10:00

B) 30 Reps for time of the Barbell Complex

*Any reps you completed during Part A are subtracted from the reps needed to complete part B

So… if I complete 15 barbell complex reps in part A.. then I only need to complete 15 more reps to finish part B.. My score for the workout is the time it takes be to complete part B

Comp: 185/125

Fitness: 135/95

GPP: 115/80, T2T

Health: 65/45, Situps