Register for “Bailing Class” TODAY! It’s FREE!
Got a nagging injury or ailment? You NEED to attend the Z-Fit Seminar on March 19th!
WOD for Saturday 031211 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Bench Press
Warmup: Perform 5 reps @ 40% and 50%, 3 reps @60% “working 1RM”
Work Sets: Perform 3 reps @ 70%, 80%, max reps @ 90% “working 1RM”
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 For Time:
Box Jumps (24/20)
Post Bench Press Loads and Metcon Time to Comments
For the strength segment, we are in Week #2 of the Wendler 5-3-1 Program (more details below). “Working 1RM” is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. If you are not sure of your current 1RM talk to your Coaches and they’ll help you determine it. Read more on Wendler 531 here
The Metcon should be hard and fast. Scale box height to maximize work and speed. Fully extend the hips at the top of each Burpee jump.
MOBILITY WOD today at 11am! Come work out the kinks and get ready for another week!
Would you be interested in a CFD group outing to a Durham Bulls game some time this Spring? Terrace box tickets and some food/drink included? Please post answer to comments
Upcoming Foundations Courses
Starting March 29th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm) – Only 3 spots left!
Starting April 19th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Upcoming Events
Bailing Seminar — TODAY!
Z-Fit Joint Mobility Seminar — Sat, March 19th
Nutrition Guide Rollout and Q&A — Sat, March 26th