CF Open WOD 13.4 is TOMORROW from 9-11am!
WOD for Friday 032913 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
3 Rounds of CF Warmup – 10 pass throughs, 10 OHS, 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 pullups
Deadhang Pullups
6 sets @70% of 1 set max (ie, if your max set is 10 reps, you’ll do 5 sets of 6 reps)
Bench Press
5 reps @60%
3 reps @70%
3 reps @80%
5 singles @90% 1RM
AMRAP in 6 minutes:
3-6-9-12-etc Reps
Ring Push Ups
Russian KB Swings (72/52)
Post Bench Press Loads and Workout Time to Comments
Complete the Strength & Conditioning Warmup for 3 rounds BEFORE class begins. During the skill segment, perform 5 sets of Deadhang pullups. Determine the number of reps for each round by taking 70% of your 1 set max. Rest two minutes between sets.
For the strength segment, follow the warmup progression up to 80% and then complete 5 Bench Press singles at 90% 1RM. Rest no more than 3-4 minutes between these work sets. You can work quickly through the warmup, as you’ll be very warmed up already from the Skill segment. The entire strength segment shouldn’t take longer than 25 minutes.
For the conditioning workout, you can scale the height of the rings to make ring pushups a little easier as necessary. The KB Swings should go no higher than your chin. Use a heavier load than you normally would for overhead swings. 6 minutes means no resting.
ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!
Russian KB Swings (note how relaxed her arms are at the top of the swing)