WOD for 103018


WOD for 103018

*10th Anniversary Party!!!!*

This Saturday (11/3) from 7PM- whenever we get shut down, we will be having our 10th anniversary party at CFD. There will be food, drinks, and lots of fun and dancing! If you haven’t already, please RSVP using the link below. Hope to see you all there!!



(12)-min EMOM

Station 1: 15 Russian KBS

Station 2: 6 Strict Press: from the floor; clean then strict press)  < 60-65%>

Station 3: 20 Russian Twists


**For Russian Twists: L (+) R= 1 Rep**


L1:70/52, 35/20 (Russian Twists)

L2:52/35, 20/15 (Russian Twists)

L3: 35/25, 15/10 (Russian Twists)

L4:25/18, 10/8 (Russian Twists)



Against 6-mins…

For Reps:

800m Run

Remaining Time: Max Reps S2OH

3-min Rest-

For Time:

# Of Achieved S2OH from Previous 6-mins

800m Run


**2 Scores= Reps from 1st 6-mins/Time from Reps achieved and Run**


L1:155/105, 800m Run

L2:115/85, 800m Run

L3:75/55, 600m Run

L4:400m Run, DB S2OH