Workout 1“2020”AMRAP 2020 Push Up20 Suitcase KB DL20 Ball Slam20 Parallette HopP1: AMRAPP2: KB Farmer’s Carry Width of Soccer Field and Back*P returning from Carry picks up AMRAP where other Partner Leaves off.Workout 2100M Partner WB Squat and TossPartners Squat and Toss the Slam Ball the length of the Park, run back together.*Trade Work Where/WheneverRead More
Strength: Back Squats Every 3 Mins x 3 Sets 5-6 reps @ 8/10 Effort (each set should be a challenge!) Every 2:00 x 3 sets 5 Heavy Sandbag Squats with a 2 sec pause at the bottom of each rep Conditioning: Against 13 Mins… For Time! 20-15-10 DB Squat DB Power Clean Toes 2 Bar...Read More