WOD 1: 2 Rounds (16 mins Total)STATIONS1) :90 MAX cals on Rower:30 Rest and Transition2) :90 MAX Jump Rope Singles/ Doubles:30 Rest and Transition3):90 MAX Single arm DB or KB OH Alt. Lunges:30 Rest and Transition 4) :90 MAX Shoulder Taps + Push-ups (Tap, Tap, Pushup)WOD 2: 5 Min AMRAP20 Bicycles (total)15 Reverse Sit-ups10 Tuck Ups5...Read More
Monday1RM Bench PressSS:A) band pull-aparts 4 x 20B) banded face pulls 4 x 20Banded Good mornings, 3 x 20 WednesdayOptional: 1RM Strict Press, orStrict Press 5 x 4 @80%Deadlift 10 x 1 @ 50% (deload)SS: A) Weighted Step-ups 4 x 8-10/leg (goblet)B) Russian KB Swing, 4 x 12-16I’s, T’s, Y’s, W’s 3 x 10 Friday1RM...Read More
MondayBack Squat, build to a heavy doubleRomanian Deadlift, 4 x 8-12 (heavy)SS: A) Weighted Step-ups, 4 x 8-10/legB: Single Leg Deadlifts 4 x 10-12Glute Ham Raise 3 x 5-8 (Banded if needed)Weighted Planks, 3 x :30 Seconds TuesdayBench Press Build up to a heavy doubleZ-Press, 3 x 8-10SS: A) DB Chest Fly 3 x 10-12B)...Read More
MondayBench Press, 5-5-3-3-1 buildingPush Press, 4 x 6-8 (301)Lat Pull-downs 3 x 20 (301)Banded Pull-aparts, 3 x 15 (301)Zottman Curls, 3 x 10-12Plank Pull-throughs 3 x 30 (L+R=2) TuesdayBack Squat, 5-5-3-3-1 buildingSS A) Barbell Romanian Deadlifts, 3 x 12B) Barbell Bent-over Rows, 3 x 12Pull-up Negatives 5 x 5 (30×1) (jump from box if needed,...Read More
Conditioning: Running/Snatch/OHS Every 3:00 x 4 sets (0:00-12:00) Run 200 M 5 UB Power Snatches (Increase weight each set) rest 3:00 (12:00-15:00) Every 2:00 x 4 sets (15:00-23:00) 3 Power Snatches (@ heaviest weight from first part) 3 OHS (scale to front squats) 3 Lateral OTB Burpees Score today = Heaviest UB set of 5...Read More