
The Iron Samurai is coming to CFD this weekend! 

You shouldn’t miss this! Click here

WOD for Monday 062512Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Handstand Pushups
Perform 3-5 reps on the minute for 10 minutes
4 Rounds For Time:
Crab Walk 40m
25 Situps
25 Air Squats

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For the Handstand Pushup, take a few minutes to warm up and then pick the most appropriate position for handstand pushups (scaled or otherwise).  Perform 3-5 reps on the minute for 10 minutes.  All reps, regardless of how they’re scaled, should be to the fullest ROM possible.

For the conditioning workout, perform unanchored Abmat situps (legs in a “butterfly” position).  Scale up by holding a slam ball during your Air Squats.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Carl Paoli Talks about the Handstand Pushup

Martial Arts Grand Master, Ron Van Clief, is coming to CFD for a Self Defense Seminar on July 7th!

Don’t miss out!  Click here for more info


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