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WOD for Monday 121712 –Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Establish 1RM
2 Rounds for time:
30 KB Swings (70/52)
30 Burpees
30 Toes To Bar
Post Snatch Loads and Total Swings to Comments
For the Snatch, take 20-25 minutes to warm up and set a 1RM for the day. You should work up to the heaviest weight that you know you can get, which is probably more like 98% of your true 1RM. It is not necessary to work to failure. Take the bar from the floor for all attempts and receive in a full overhead squat. If your technique is suspect off the floor, you should work from one of the hang positions. It’s ok to leave something in the tank for next time. Don’t forget to put your PRs up on the PR BOARD!
For the conditioning workout, take the KB Swings overhead, but since they are heavier than normal, you can also use a heavier load than you might usually use and perform them to chin height (Russian). Scale toes to bar to knees to elbow if necessary.
ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm! Bring your stopwatch!
2-Time CF Games Champ, Rich Froning, Snatches