The gym will be open on Thanksgiving Day for a team WOD at 9am!
WOD for Friday 111910 — – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Establish a 3RM
4 Rounds
Row 250m or Run 200m
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Then, 4 Rounds
Row 150m or Run 100m
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Post Deadlift Loads and Metcon Distances to Comments
For the strength segment, take 20 minutes to establish a 3RM Deadlift. Use good sense and judgement for all lifts. When in doubt, live to lift again another day. All reps should be stood to full knee and hip extension AND lowered to the floor.
The Metcon is designed for those who don’t regularly make it to the Endurance WODs 🙂
OPEN GYM tonight from 7-8pm! Make up a missed WOD or work on your lifts.
Upcoming Foundations Course– FINAL CLASS OF 2010!
Starting Thursday, December 2nd (Tues/Thurs 7pm)
Upcoming Events
Strength & Conditioning Gymnastics Certification – Sat/Sun, December 4/5
Carolina Fitness Challenge – Sat, December 11
Strength & Conditioning Rowing Foundations Certification – Saturday, January 15
Intra-Gym Challenge – January 2011
15 year old – World Record Deadlift