Jerk Pyramid

31 Heroes Workout on 9/3 and Fight Gone Bad 6 on 9/17!  Learn more

WOD for Thursday 082511Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Muscle Ups
Perform 3 on the minute for 10 minutes
Perform 5 chest to bar pullups or 5 ring dips on the minute if you can’t do Muscle Ups
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps For Time:
DB Power Clean (40/30)
DB Jerk

Post Muscle Ups and Metcon Time to Comments
For the skill segment, if you can do some Muscle Ups do as many as you can (not more than 3) each minute.  Try to be consistent for the full 10 minutes.  If you don’t have muscle ups do 5 CTB pullups or deep ring dips each minute instead.

For the conditioning workout, start the power clean in a position below the knee, but not on the floor, and scale load as necessary.  Jerks can be push jerks or split jerks.

Endurance Workout tonight at 6pm with Coach Paul!
27-min AMRAP
Run 200m
20 goblet squats
Run 400m
10 goblet squats
Maintain pace within 4 sec for 200m and 8 sec for 400m; if unable to do so, rest 1 min before goblet squats

Dumbbell Power Clean

Join our Fight Gone Bad team and raise money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation!

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