Segment 1: 5 Rounds: 10-8-6-4-2 Squat Cleans (155/105) 100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders Scale to finish in less than 15 minutes Segment 2: Front Squat 3×3 across (85% 1RM) Segment 3: Back Squat 3×3 across (85% 1RM)Read More
Segment 1: With a running clock at the 0:00 AMRAP 5 minutes 30 Double Unders 10 Toes To Bar Segment 2: at the 10:00 AMRAP 5 minutes 30 Double Unders 15 KB Swings (52/35) Segment 3: at the 20:00 AMRAP 5 minutes 15 Cal Row 10 Thrusters (95/65)Read More
Segment 1: “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) HSPU Scale to finish in less than 12 minutes Segment 2: 21-15-9 Toes To Bar Run 200m Scale to finish in less than 10 minutes Segment 3: For time: 200 Double unders Rest 1 minute 100 Double undersRead More
Segment 1: Take 20 minutes to make up any missed segment from the past week. Segment 2: 5 Rounds: 200 Meter Run 42 Double Unders 21 Wall Balls (20/14) Segment 3: MobilityRead More
Segment 1: 5 Rounds, NOT for time: 5 Front Squats – you choose the weight 5 Weighted Pullups – you choose the weight 5 Weighted Ring Dips – you choose the weight Segment 2: 2 Rounds: 20 Thrusters (95/65) 20 Pullups 20 Wall Balls (20/14) 20 Double Unders Scale to finish in 12 minutes or...Read More
Segment 1: Deadlift Work up to a heavy triple Sumo Deadlift with bands Segment 2: 3 Rounds: 60 Double Unders 30 Cal Row 15 Deadlifts (245/165) Scale to finish in less than 15 minutesRead More
Segment 1: 21 Hang Power Clean (135/95), 21 Burpees over Bar, 100 Double Unders 15 HPC (135/95), 15 Burpees over Bar, 75 Double Unders 9 HPC (135/95), 9 Burpees over Bar, 50 Double Unders Segment 2: Deadlift Build to a Heavy Set of 5Read More
Segment 1: 5 Rounds: 5 Squat Clean Thrusters (135/95) 10 C2B Pullups Scale to finish in less than 10 minutes Segment 2: 8 x 3 Back Squat Use 75% 1RM and work on exploding out of the bottom of each squat Segment 3: EMOM 8 minutes: Odd: 60 Double Unders Even: 5 Strict PullupsRead More