Segment 1: Back Squat 3RM Back Squat Segment 2: Front Squat 4×7 Front Squat at 70% across Segment 3: Complete 3 Supersets of: A. 8 Bulgarian Split Squats (8/side before switching ) B. 8-12 Good Mornings * Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.Read More
Segment 1: 21-15-9 Deadlifts (315/205) Box Jumps (30/24) Scale as needed to finish in less than 8 minutes Segment 2: 4x500m Row 3 min rest Segment 3: 3 Giant Sets: 20 weighted abmat Situps 20 Banded Good MorningsRead More
Segment 1: 5 Rounds For Time: 21 Wall Balls Run 200m 9 Toes to bar Segment 2: 50-40-30-20-10 Calorie Row, complete with a partner, each partner completes each round. Rest while partner works Segment 3: Not for time A. 3×20 weighted Abmat Situps – feet anchored B. 3×30 Good Mornings (45/35)Read More
Segment 1: 6 rounds of: AMRAP 2 minutes: Calorie Row (20/12) + Max reps of Power Cleans (185/135) 2 minute rest between rounds Segment 2: 3-4 Giant Sets of: 10 Good Mornings 20 Weighted Sit ups These are not for time, but each movement is done back to back with no rest. Segment 3: 2...Read More
Free Goal Setting Workshop for all CFDers THIS Saturday at 11am! More info here Click Here For Today’s Schedule Good Mornings [youtube][/youtube]Read More