
power snatch
Segment 1: 30 Power Snatches (75/55) 400 Meter Run 60 Thrusters 400 Meter Run 30 Power Snatches Segment 2: Mobility
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Segment 1: Ascending Ladder for 8 Minutes (keep increasing by 3): 3 Power Snatch, 3 TTB 6 Power Snatch, 6 TTB 9 Power Snatch, 9 TTB (115/80) Segment 2: 6×4 Back Squats same weight across
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Segment 1: EMOM 12 minutes: Min 1-4:  Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Snatch Balance Min 5-8: Hang Squat Snatch Min 9-12: Squat Snatch Segment 2: 3×8 Back Squats (roughly 60% 1RM) 5×1 Pausing Overhead Squat (pause in bottom position for 3 count) Segment 3: “Pushup Lynne” 5 rounds: Max Rep Pushups Max Unbroken Pullups Rest 3...
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Segment 1: EMOM 10 minutes: 1 Squat Clean and Split Jerk Same weight across, work up to heavy weight and maintain, or work up to 1RM Segment 2: 8 Rounds: 4 Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups Scale the number of MUs or perform on bar, if needed.  Scale to appropriate number of C2B Pullups. Segment 3:...
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Segment 1: AMRAP 20 minutes…. Clean (205/145) Muscle Ups (bar or rings) Segment 2: EMOM 10 minutes: 6 Power Snatch (95/65)  6 Overhead Squats Scale reps as needed to finish each round in :40 or less Segment 3: 3 Supersets: :60 Plank Hold (face down) :30 Bridge Hold (face up)
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The Power Cleans and Snatches listed below are part of a progression. Follow the designated percentages as exactly as you can. These are not meant to be heavy lifts – they are fast. Use today to build SPEED. Segment 1: With a running clock… At the 0:00 EMOM 9 minutes: 1 Power Clean at 75%...
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Segment 1: For time: 800/400/200m Run 18-15-12 Power Snatch (95/65) Scale as needed to finish within 12 minutes Segment 2: 18-15-12: Toes to Bar Overhead Squat (95/65) Scale as needed to finish within 10 minutes Segment 3: Reverse Tabata Handstand Pushups 10 seconds on 20 seconds off 4 minutes, 8 rounds total
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Segment 1: With a running clock… At the 0:00 EMOM 9 minutes: 1 Power Clean at 75% Segment 2: At the 12:00 EMOM 9 minutes: 1 Power Snatch at 75% Segment 3: At the 25:00 4 sets of 20 Unbroken Deadlifts (225/155) Rest as needed but complete as quickly as possible  
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WOD  Strength: Push Jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1 Up to 1RM Metcon: AMRAP 6: 6 Power Snatches (95/65) 6 Handstand Pushups
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WOD Skills: Muscle Ups, max reps EMOM, 10 minutes Tabata Pushups 4 minutes Metcon: 0-10 Minute: 1 Mile Run + Max Clean and Jerk (135/95) in remaining time 10-13 Minute: Rest 13-20 Minute: 800 Meter Run + Max Power Snatch (115/80) in remaining time 20-23 Minute: Rest 23-27 Minute: 400 Meter Run + Max Thrusters...
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