
October 27, 2019
Tricep/Lat/Wrist Mobility Strength: 3 Position Power Clean Every 90 secs x 6 sets 1 Power Clean from each position (3 total Reps) 1st: (Pockets)  2nd: (above knee) Floor Same Weight for all sets ~use roughly 75% of 1RM PC Conditioning: For Time…(10 Min Cap) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Power Cleans 100 M Run After Each Set Comp: 185/135...
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Intermediate Powerlifting 102819-110219 Deload and Testing Week: Day 1 10×3 @  55% BS, BP, DL and Press Day2  8×2 @ 50% BS, BP. DL and Press Day 3 MAX OUT! Back Squat Bench Press Day 4  MAX OUT! Deadlift Press
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Novice Powerlifting 102819-110219 Deload and Testing Week Day 1: 10×3 @  55% BS, BP, DL and Press Day 2: 8×3 @ 50% BS, BP. DL and Press Day 3: MAX OUT! Back Squat Bench Press Day 4: MAX OUT! Deadlift Press
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