
Warm-up: 5 min AMRAP for Quality 10 Alternating Lunges w/ twist 5 Bus-Driver Squats 10 Plate Ground to overheads 20 plate hops Deadlift Technique and set-up instruction:  (Shoelace knot under bar, chest up, tight set-up) with light plates on the bar, 5 reps with (3030) tempo 6-8 minutes to Build to Deadlift Working weight Workout:...
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Warm-up: 2 Rounds: 200m Row or 10 cal bike 8 Up-downs 6 Inch-worms w/twist (no push-up) 10 alternating shoulder taps Clean Prep: with pvc/empty bar 3 Clean Pulls from Power position 3 clean High Pulls from Power position 3 Muscle cleans from Power position Repeat from 2nd Position Push Jerk Drills: 5 sets on coaches...
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Warm up: 7 Min AMRAP Partner A; Row/Bike x 10-15 cals @ conversational Pace (run  Partner B  Does an AMRAP With a PVC Pipe of: 5 Hang Muscle Snatches 5 OHS with hands open 5 Jump Squats Partner Workout: Split Work as desired For Time… 25 Min Cap Buy in: 75-100 cals on Bike or Rower Then:...
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Warm up: 1:00 ea/Grasshopper lunge Stretch 10 Supinated PVC Passthroughs 20 alt. Cossack Lunges :30 Hang From Bar or Rings 3 Rounds: :15 Hollow :15 Arch 15 Hollow Rocks or Deadbug Rocks 2 Rounds (kip the pull-ups on round 2) 10 Tempo Medball Squats @ 33X1 Tempo 10 Medball Push Press 3 Strict Pull ups...
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Warm up: 2:00 of Wrist Mobility work 2 Rounds w/Empty bar or Light DB 10 Push Press 10 Alt. Box Step Ups (jump down on round 2) 10 alt. Single Leg V Ups 10 Hang Power Cleans  5 Updowns *Establish Difference b/w Push Press and Push Jerk Workout: Chipper (18 Min Cap) 50 Push Press...
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Warm up: EMOTM x 6 mins: 1):20 of Plate Jumps + Plank Hold in remaining time 2)10 KB Deadlifts with 3 sec lower 3)Worlds Greatest Stretch x 5 each side Rowing Technique Drills and Explanation of Hinge VS Squat in the KBS Workout: Every 4:00 x 4 sets Row 400-500m/Bike 22-30cals/Run 400m 60 Double Unders...
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Warm up: 3 Rounds: 3 Sumo Inchworms (no Pushup) 10 Air Squats with a pause in the bottom 10/ea DB Strict Press w/ pause at the top  2 Rounds.. First round upper body only, 2nd round add in hips to high pulls 5 ea High Pulls 5 ea DB DL (snatch setup) 5 ea/ SA...
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Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Mountain Climbers 10 Single DB Bent Over Row 2 Rounds: 10 Single DB or KB Sumo Deadlift with 3 count lower  5 Pushup to Cobra twist (1 twist each way) 20 Alt. Plank Touches (switch to thigh touches if you feel strong here) Workout: EMOTM x 15...
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Warm Up: 3 Rounds: Row/Bike/Run x :30 7 PVC Pipe Zombie Squats 7 Barbell Bent Over Row @ 2020 Tempo Empty Bar/DB Clean Drills: Down and Finish High Pull Muscle Clean Front Squat Hang Squat Clean 5 Mins to build to squat clean weight and do Coach assisted Pullup warm up and skill drills Workout:...
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Warm Up: 10 each: Arm Circles Hugs Bird Dogs (5/side) 2 Rounds 10 KB Jefferson Curls 10/Side KB Suitcase DL 10/Side DB Floor Press 2 sets: 10 Deadlifts with a 3030 Tempo 5-8 Knee Pushups with 3030 Tempo 10 Arch Ups *Add weight for the second set Workout: 5 Rounds for Time (11 Min Cap)...
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