Did you pick up your hoodie yet?
We will be assembling the new Pullup Rig today starting at 10am. We appreciate any help you can give pre, post, or in lieu of today’s workout!
WOD for Sunday 110611 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Kettlebell Skills
AMRAP in 21 minutes:
Run 200m
11 KB bottoms up left
11 KB bottoms up right
Run 200m
11 KB push press left
11 KB push press right
Post Rounds Completed to Comments
For the skill segment, we will work on some new KB skills.
For the workout, use a KB load that allows you to perform the movements correctly.
Painting is finished! Demo on the wall up by the garage door should take place Monday, which will make room for our new “check in” area. Wall cut out should began being framed in today and should be completed on Monday. The new Pullup Rig is half assembled and the plan is to finish it this Sunday starting at 10…if you can lend a hand that’d be awesome!! Thanks for your patience as we get everything done over the next couple of weeks! If you find yourself using the big room by the restrooms until the new space is finished please go on the far side of the room so you won’t be overtop the yoga studio downstairs. Also, please do not use rowers, kettlebells, or do box jumps in the big room at all on any side.
Bottoms Up