
Daily Workouts
Warm Up: 10 each: Arm Circles Hugs Bird Dogs (5/side) 2 Rounds 10 KB Jefferson Curls 10/Side KB Suitcase DL 10/Side DB Floor Press 2 sets: 10 Deadlifts with a 3030 Tempo 5-8 Knee Pushups with 3030 Tempo 10 Arch Ups *Add weight for the second set Workout: 5 Rounds for Time (11 Min Cap)...
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Warm Up: 3 Rounds:  10 alt. Reverse Lunge + twist 10 situps 10 KBS Tabata Arch/Hollow (Switch each interval) x 8 sets (4 mins) :20 Hollow :10 rest :20 Arch 2 Rounds: 10 Alt. DB Lunges (1 DB) 10 V ups Workout: For Time… 13 Min Cap 50-40-30-20 Back Rack or DB Lunges 25-20-15-10  DB...
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Warm Up: 5 Sumo Stance Triple Touch (M + L + R =1) 5 Inchworms + Pushup to Cobra Twist (L and R twist) 3 Rounds at increasing speed: Row/Bike/Jog x :30 6 Alt. Lunges 6 Updowns 3 Burpees Workout: Every 3:00 x 5 sets Row/Bike/Run x (15-20 cals/100-200m Run) 12 Burpees *Go HARD each...
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Warm Up: 3 Rounds with a PVC Pipe: 7 Pass throughs 7 Snatch Grip Strict Press (BTN) 2 Pushups ea/ Normal, narrow, wide 2 Rounds: 10 Air Squats 5 Medball Front Squats w/ pause in the bottom 5 medal push press w/ pause @ top 15 Single Unders (backwards on And 2) -Burgener Warm Up-...
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Warm Up: 10 each: Wrist Circles (each way) Elbow Circles Shoulder Shrugs -PVC Standing Lat Stretch x 20 secs with each arm on top- With a PVC Pipe: 10  Passthoughs 10 Supinated Passthroughs 10 Strict Press with 2 sec pause overhead 10 Push Press with 2 sec pause 10 Push Jerks with 2 Sec pause...
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Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 20 Alt. Plank Shoulder/Thigh Taps 10 ea/Single Arm DB Z Press (seated on floor) 10 ea/arm DB High Pull  2 Rounds: 10 reps each: Singles forward singles back crisscross or freestyle Plate Ground to Overhead -Set up Landmine Station- You’ll need a barbell and a 15 or 25 lb plate Workout: ...
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Warm Up: 3 Rounds: Row 200m/Bke 8-10 cals/Run 100m 5/side split stance Goodmornings 15 Russian KBS 2 Rounds: 10 Deadlifts @ workout tempo 8/side split squats (on floor) :30 Plank Hold (elbows) Workout: Every 3:00 x 5 sets: 6-10 Deadlifts @ 3030 Tempo 6-8/side DB Loaded Front Foot Elevated Split Squat *Get heavy on the...
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Warm Up: 2 Rounds w/ light DB: 10 Single arm Tempo High pulls Left arm (2020) 10 Single arm High pulls Right arm (2020) 10 overhead lunges Left arm 10 overhead lunges Right arm 2 Rounds: 10 Lateral Box Step-overs 10 Marching Glute Bridges 5 Jump Squats Workout: 15 Min AMRAP 50 Box Jumps +...
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Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 10 Alternating Lunges w/Samson stretch 5 Rocket Jumps 5 Up-downs 5 Tempo air squats (2220) :10-15 Second Passive hang from rings/bar (pronated/supinated/wide) 2 Rounds w/ empty bar or single DB w/ 2 hand hold: -5 Strict Press -5 Tempo bent-over rows (2220) Workout: Every 2:00 x 12 Mins (6 sets) 7...
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Warm Up:2 minutes of light cardio into: 1 Round:10 Tempo Good mornings (3030)5 Inch worms w/ twist10 Scap push-ups5/5 Bird Dogs w/ a 2 second pause at full extension10 Cat/Cow iterations Workout:On a 20 minute Running Timer…Complete 3-4 sets:Row 750-1,000m, Bike 25-35 cals, or Run 400-600m1:00 Weighted Plank Rest :90 b/w Sets
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