Heavy Annie

CFD is going to see the Durham Bulls on May 19th!  

Reserve your tickets by April 27th! Click here for more info

WOD for Thursday 041912Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Split Squats
“Heavy Annie”
For Time:
50 Double Unders
5 Clean & Jerks (85% 1RM)
40 Double Unders
4 Clean & Jerks
30 Double Unders
3 Clean & Jerks
20 Double Unders
2 Clean & Jerks
10 Double Unders
1 Clean & Jerks

Post Split Squat Loads and Workout Load and Time to Comments
For the strength segment, these are more about movement and full ROM than super heavy load.  If you are comfortable in a lunge position with your foot planted on the floor, try them with the rear foot elevated onto a box.  You should NOT be bailing on any of these.  You can cause serious damage to yourself, your rear leg, and your ego.  And I may just kill you.  Everyone signed a waiver, but don’t be stupid.  Good movement trumps load here.

For the conditioning workout, for the C&J use 85% 1RM.  These are FULL SQUAT CLEANS!  Sub parallette jumps for DUs as necessary.  If it’s necessary you need to keep working on your DUs 🙂

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Split Squats

Our second Olympic Weightlifting Intensive Course begins on Tuesday, May 8th and new Barbell Basics Course starts Monday, May 14th! 

More info here

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