Next Bootcamps start in ONE WEEK!
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WOD for Tuesday 110210 — – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
3 Muscle Ups
6 Power Snatch (95/65)
Post Snatch Loads and Metcon Rounds to Comments
For the strength segment, you will do 15 Snatches. Progressively add weight up to a comfortable “working” weight. You should not really miss anymore than 3-4 attempts. Use good sense and judgement for all lifts. When in doubt, live to lift again another day. Snatch should be received in a full overhead squat position.
For the Metcon, sub 4 pullups and 4 ring dips for EACH muscle up (ie, 12 of each per round). Scale Power Snatch load as necessary to insure proper execution.
For those who regularly participate in the Endurance WODs…the time change hits next week. It will surely be dark starting at 5pm. What would you like to see happen with the Endurance WOD? Post answer to comments
Upcoming Bootcamps – Starting November 8th
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp (M/W/F @6:15am)
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp (M/W/F @7:15am)
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp (M/W/F @6:00pm)
Weight Loss Bootcamp (M/W/F @7:00pm)
Upcoming Foundations Course– FINAL CLASSES OF 2010!
Starting Tuesday, November 9th (Tues/Thurs 7pm)
Starting Thursday, December 2nd (Tues/Thurs 7pm)
Upcoming Events
Strength & Conditioning Gymnastics Certification – Sat/Sun, December 4/5
Carolina Fitness Challenge – Sat, December 11
Strength & Conditioning Rowing Foundations Certification – Saturday, January 15
3-Time Olympic Gold Medalist, Pyrros Dimas, backstage Snatch prep