
Segment 1: “Barbara” 5 Rounds: 20 Pull-Ups 30 Pushups 40 Sit-Ups 50 Air Squats Rest 3:00 Between Rounds
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Segment 1: Clean & Jerk 60%/2+1 65%/2+1 70%/2+1 (75%/2+1) x 2 Segment 2: AMRAP 20 minutes: 5 Bar Muscle Ups 10 Chest Slapping Pushups 15 Air Squats 20 Calorie Row Segment 3: EMOM 6 minutes: Odd: AMRAP Toes to Bar Even: Rest
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Segment 1: 5 Minute Window… Row 400m + 1 Rd of Cindy AMRAP Power Cleans (155/105) -rest 5 mins- Segment 2: 5 Minute Window… Row 300m + 2 Rds of Cindy AMRAP Power Cleans (185/135) – at least increase the load from the first round -5 min rest- Segment 3: 5 Minute Window… Row 200m...
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Segment 1: Take 20 minutes to make up any missed segment from the past week Segment 2: EMOM 20 minutes, alternating: Min 1 – 15 Calorie Row Min 2 – 1 Round “Cindy” Min 3 – 30 Double Unders Min 4 – 20 Situps
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Segment 1: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Kettlebell Swings (52/35) Pushups Situps Segment 2: Mobility
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Segment 1: 3 Rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats) 1 Round of DT (12 deadlift, 9 hang power clean, 6 push jerk) 2 rounds of Cindy 1 Round of DT 1 rounds of Cindy 1 round of DT Scale as needed  to finish in 15 minutes or less Segment 2: 3×8...
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Segment 1: EMOM 12 minutes: Min 1-4:  Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Snatch Balance Min 5-8: Hang Squat Snatch Min 9-12: Squat Snatch Segment 2: 3×8 Back Squats (roughly 60% 1RM) 5×1 Pausing Overhead Squat (pause in bottom position for 3 count) Segment 3: “Pushup Lynne” 5 rounds: Max Rep Pushups Max Unbroken Pullups Rest 3...
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Segment 1: EMOM 5 minutes: 2 Power Cleans + 1 Split Jerk Segment 2: 6-5-4-3-2-1: Muscle ups Front Squats from the ground (205/145) Segment 3: “Cindy” AMRAP 20 minutes 5 pullups 10 pushups 15 squats  
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Segment 1: 3 Rounds: 3 Jerk (185/135) 4 Front Squat 5 Cleans 30 Pullups 40 Pushups 50 Abmat Situps Scale as needed to finish under 20 minutes Segment 2: EMOM 10 minutes: 4-8 Unbroken Handstand Pushups Scale as needed to complete at least 4 reps per round
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Segment 1: 10 Rounds: Junkyard Dog Warmup (10 rounds of each segment)  Segment 2: Teams of 3: 10 Pushups Limbo 10 Air Squats  Segment 3: Turkish Get Ups 10 each side, add load each round Segment 4: Burner WOD 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Pushups (scale up to Ring Pushups) 25 Wall Ball (20/12) Scale...
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