
Strength & Conditioning Workouts
Strength: Back Squat + Front Squat Every 2:30 x 4 Sets 3 Front Squats + 5 Backsquats @ 70-75% of Front Squat Max *This is not supposed to be heavy or overly challenging! Just getting some good squatting reps in for the week Barbell Conditioning: “Macho Man-ish” EMOTM x 9 Minutes 3 Power Cleans 3...
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Skill: Bench Press Technique and Spotting Tips Conditioning First Today! 2 Rounds: Within 3 Minutes Run 400 Meters Within 3 Minutes Row 500 Meters Within 3 Minutes 100 Double Unders Rest 2:00 b/w rounds Comp: 150 Double Unders Fitness: 100 Double Unders GPP: 300 m Run, 400/300m Row, 50 Double Unders or 150 Singles Health:...
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Skill: Power Snatch Strength: Power Snatch Complex Every 2 Mins x 4sets… Building in Weight 1 Hang Power Snatch + 2 Power Snatches + 1 OHS *All reps are Unbroken and Touch and Go *If no OHS then do 1 HPS + 3 PS Conditioning: 3:00 On/1:00 Off x 3 Sets 20 Alt. DB Snatches...
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Saturday 100519 With a Partner! Against 12 Mins.. 3 Rounds for Time… Split Work however 40 Thrusters 200 M Farmers Carry (Double DB or KB) Comp: 115/80, 70/52 Fitness: 95/65, 52/35 GPP: 75/55, 44/30 Health: DB Thrusters, Same DB’s for the carry –Rest 3:00- 8 Min AMRAP …..Trading Rounds Back and Forth… Run 100 M...
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Skill: Rowing Technique Strength: Deadlift (10 mins) Sets are every Every 2:30 1×8 @ 60% 1×6 @ 70% 2×6 @ 75% *Not Touch and Go.. control the bar to the floor Conditioning: Row 4×500/400 Meters Rest 1:1 or Trade Rounds with a Partner -Choose a distance that allows you to finish your set in under...
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Skill: HSPU Work Every 2 Min x 6 sets 12 Russian KBS *HS Skill Practice *Options for HS Work: 4-10 Kipping HSPU 3-10 Strict HSPU 40 Foot HS Walk :30 HS Hold :30 Barbell OH Hold Conditioning: 12 Min AMRAP 12 Box Jump Overs 4+ Pushups 8 Toes 2 Bar *Increase Pushup reps by 4...
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Skill: Squat Cleans Strength: Squat Cleans 10 Mins to Build to a double @ around 80% Conditioning:  With a Partner… Trading working rounds Every 90 secs x 10 sets (5 each) 5 Squat Cleans @ 65% of 1RM  Row for Max Cals Comp: As Written.. lift more weight than everyone else FItness:  As Written GPP: Hang...
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Strength: Lunge + Weighted Overhead Sit ups 4 sets: (12 Mins to complete) 6/each Leg Backrack Lunge (forward or reverse) (30-40% of BS 1RM) 15-25 Weighted Overhead Situps Conditioning: Every 3 Mins x 5 sets :30 Wall Sit 7 Ea/ DB Hang Clean and Jerk Run 100 Meters Comp: 70/50 FItness: 50/35 GPP: 35/25, run...
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Skill: Pullups Strength: Strict Pullups (10 Mins) 8-6-6-4 Strict Pullups 10-15 Hollow Rocks between each set (only 3 sets of Hollow Rocks) rest about 2:00 b/w sets *Add weight or a band as needed to make these doable but difficult Conditioning: 4 Rounds For Time…(20 Min Cap) 50 Double Unders 8 Chest 2 Bar 8...
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With a partner!  Against 10 Mins For Time… 15-12-9 Bar Muscle Up 30-24-18 Shoulder 2 Overhead 100-100-100  Double Unders Comp: Bar Muscle Up, 135/95, Double Unders Fitness: Chest 2 Bar (21-15-9), 115/80, Double Unders GPP: Pullups (15-12-9), 75/55, Singles Health: Jumping Pullups, DB S2OH, Singles or plate jumps Rest 3:00 On a 15 min Clock…...
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