Segment 1: EMOM 10 minutes: 1 Clean and Jerk You can choose to approach this differently (ie: across, climbing, waves or hit a 1RM). Segment 2: EMOM 10 minutes: Min 1: 5 Squat Cleans, you choose the weight Min 2: 5 Muscle Ups Scale number of reps as needed to maintain reps for the whole...Read More
Segment 1: 3 Rounds: 3 Jerk (185/135) 4 Front Squat 5 Cleans 30 Pullups 40 Pushups 50 Abmat Situps Scale as needed to finish under 20 minutes Segment 2: EMOM 10 minutes: 4-8 Unbroken Handstand Pushups Scale as needed to complete at least 4 reps per roundRead More
Segment 1: EMOM 10 minutes: 1 Clean and Jerk Your choice to do each round across, climbing,or build to 1RM Segment 2: Front Squats 3-3-3 same weight across, about 80% 1RM Segment 3: 21-15-9 Hang Power Clean (155/105) Front Squat Jerk C2B Pullups HSPU Scale load and movements as needed to finish in under 20 minutesRead More
WOD Skills: Tabata Toes to Bar, 4 minutes Tabata Handstand Pushups, 4 minutes Metcon: 1000m Run then, 3 Rounds For Time 10 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 10 Chest to Bar Pullups 10 Burpees then, 1000m Run Scale as needed to finish in 20 minutesRead More
WOD Skills: Muscle Ups, max reps EMOM, 10 minutes Tabata Pushups 4 minutes Metcon: 0-10 Minute: 1 Mile Run + Max Clean and Jerk (135/95) in remaining time 10-13 Minute: Rest 13-20 Minute: 800 Meter Run + Max Power Snatch (115/80) in remaining time 20-23 Minute: Rest 23-27 Minute: 400 Meter Run + Max Thrusters...Read More
WOD Strength: Hang Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1 Up to 1RM Metcon: AMRAP 10 minutes Up/Down Ladder of: 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1….. Clean and Jerks (155/105) Ring Muscle Ups Build back up again if time remainsRead More
WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: AMRAP in 20 minutes: 50 Wall Ball (20/14) 50 Double Unders 40 Box Jumps (24/20) 40 Toes to Bar 30 CTB Pull-Ups 30 Burpees 20 Cleans (145/100) 20 Jerks 10 Snatches 10 Muscle UpsRead More
WOD Skills: Muscle Ups EMOM 10 minutes, max reps Then, Tabata Toes to Bar, 4 minutes Metcon: For Time: 50 Power Clean and Jerks, (135/95) Every minute on the minute, including the first minute, complete 5 Chest to Bar Pullups Time cap of 15 minutes Endurance: 10 x 250m Row :30 rest between setsRead More
WOD Strength: 1 Clean + 2 Jerk 6 sets as heavy as possible Metcon: EMOM 12 minutes Odd Minutes – 3 Power Snatch (75% 1RM) Even Minutes – 40 Double UndersRead More