Segment 1: Clean & Jerk 60%/3+1 65%/3+1 (70%/3+1) x 4 Segment 2: Front Squat (65%/5) x 4 Segment 3: For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Hang Power Cleans + Push Jerks* (135/95) *Complete 10 unbroken Hang Power Cleans directly into 10 unbroken Push Jerks, then drop the bar – that is set one. Rest as little as needed...Read More
Segment 1: 3 Rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats) 1 Round of DT (12 deadlift, 9 hang power clean, 6 push jerk) 2 rounds of Cindy 1 Round of DT 1 rounds of Cindy 1 round of DT Scale as needed to finish in 15 minutes or less Segment 2: 3×8...Read More
WOD Strength: Push Jerk 5-5-5-3-3-3 Up to 85% 1RM Metcon: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Unbroken Overhead Squat, 95/65 – rest as little between sets as possible, but scale as needed to finish in under 15 minutes. If you are unable to complete a set unbroken rest as needed and re-do that set. Then, 2 minutes of Double Unders...Read More
WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week Metcon: For Time: 50 Calorie Row 40 Front Squats (135/95) 30 Toes to Bar 20 Push Jerks (135/95 ) 10 Ring Muscle UpsRead More
WOD Strength: Back Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3 Up to 85% 1RM Metcon: AMRAP in 10 minutes: 12 dumbbell deadlifts 9 dumbbell hang squat cleans 6 dumbbell push jerks DB load based off the jerks most likely. Don’t go too light.Read More
WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: Teams of 3: 100 Cal Row, 100 Deadlifts, 135/95 80 Cal Row, 80 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95 60 Cal Row, 60 Front Squats, 135/95 40 Cal Row, 40 Push Jerks, 135/95 20 Cal Row, 20 Clusters, 135/95Read More
Join us Thursday night at 7:30 for our April Thirsty Thursday at Fullsteam Brewery! WOD Strength: Push Jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1 New 1RM Metcon: EMOM 10 minutes: Odd: 5 Deadlift (80% 1RM) Even: 10 BurpeesRead More