Segment 1: 15 minutes Work up to a heavy single Halting Squat Snatch (Pause below knees for 2 seconds) Segment 2: Back Squat 3 sets of 6, same weight across Segment 3: 3 Rounds: 400m Run 10 Clean and Jerks (135/95)Read More
Segment 1: With a running clock… 1. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single Front Squat 2. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single Muscle Snatch 3. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single OHS 4. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single Snatch Balance 5. 5...Read More
Segment 1: 1 rep Max Snatch 15 minutes Segment 2: 1 rep Max Clean and Jerk 15 minutes Segment 3: EMOM 10 minutes: 5 Front Squats for max load 10 HSPURead More
Segment 1: EMOM 10 minutes: 1 Power Clean 3 Front Squats 1 Jerk Segment 2: 5 Rounds: 15 C2B Pullups Rest as little as possible between sets Segment 3: 30 Toes to Bar 30 Calorie Row 15 Squat Snatches (115/80) 60 Calorie Row 15 Squat Snatches (115/80) 30 Calorie Row 30 Toes To BarRead More
Segment 1: OTM x 6 – 1 Squat Snatch (90%) Rest 4:00 OTM x 6 – 1 Squat Clean and Jerk (90%) Rest 4:00 30 Muscle Ups for time Segment 2: Alternating Tabata (8 Rds of :20s/:10s): Front Squats (115/80) Toes to Bar 20 seconds of Front Squats, followed by a 10 second break Followed by...Read More
Segment 1: EMOM 5 minutes: 2 Hang Snatches (hip position) Rest 1:00 EMOM 5 minutes – 2 Hang Snatches (below knee) Rest 1:00 EMOM 5 minutes – 1 Snatch (from the floor) Segment 2: On the 0:00 – 5 Back Squats On the 2:00 – 4 Back Squats On the 4:00 – 3 Back Squats...Read More
Segment 1: EMOM 10 minutes: 1 Power Clean 3 Front Squats 1 Jerk Segment 2: 7 Rounds as fast as possible: 5 unbroken Ring Muscle Ups Rest as little as possible between sets Segment 3: 800m Run 30 Snatches (95/65) 800m Run 30 Overhead Squat 800m Run 30 Thrusters Scale as needed to finish in...Read More