Turkey Leftovers


Turkey Leftovers

Check out the CF Durham Store here for your holiday shopping!

We need lots of volunteers for the Carolina Fitness Challenge – sign up sheets are posted!

WOD for Friday 120211Click Here For Today’s Schedule

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
Turkish Get Ups (as heavy as possible)
Do as many reps as possible without sacrificing form or safety

Post Jerk Loads and Workout Reps Completed to Comments
For the strength workout, perform single rep Push or Split Jerks taking the bar from the rack.

For the conditioning workout, pick a challenging load and stick with it for the entire 10 minutes.  Alternate arms from rep to rep and try to keep a steady pace the entire ten minutes.  If the load gets too heavy, drop it down.  Do not be overzealous with this one!

OPEN GYM tonight from 7-7:45pm!  Make up a missed workout or work on your lifts!

Jeff Martone on Turkish Get Ups – Part 1

Jeff Martone on Turkish Get Ups – Part 2

Jeff Martone on Turkish Get Ups – Part 3