Flag Football anyone? CFD game on 12/12 before the Holiday Party! Check it out! WOD Strength: Hang Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1 Metcon: 12-9-6 reps Squat cleans (225/155) Muscle-ups (2:1 pullups sub)Read More
We’re collecting donations to help provide Thanksgiving Turkeys to the Food Bank of Central/Eastern NC. Drop yours in the “turkey” box! WOD Strength: Back Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3 Metcon: AMRAP in 12 minutes: 3 snatches (135/95) 6 clean and jerks 9 chest-to-bar pullups 54 double-undersRead More
We’re collecting donations to help provide Thanksgiving Turkeys to the Food Bank of Central/Eastern NC. Drop yours in the “turkey” box! WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: “TK” AMRAP in 20 minutes: 8 Strict Pull-ups 8 Box jumps (36/30) 12 Kettlebell swings (52/35) U.S. Army Major...Read More
WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week Metcon: “Bell” 3 rounds of: 185-lb. deadlifts, 21 reps 15 pull-ups 185-lb. front squats, 9 reps Air Force Senior Airman Bryan R. Bell, 23, of Erie, Pennsylvania, assigned to 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron at Barksdale Air Force Base, died...Read More
Our new 6-week programming cycle began this week. Check it out here! Join us Friday night for a WOD and Wine at 6:30pm! WOD Strength: Push Press 5-5-5-3-3-3 Start around 60% and work up to 85% by last set Metcon: Goat WOD 20 minutes Goat 1 (odd minutes) Goat 2 (even minutes) Choose two movements...Read More
Eat Chipotle and help a good cause this Saturday on Erwin Road! WOD Strength: Hang Clean 3-3-3-1-1-1 1st set at 60%, last rep around 85% 1RM Metcon: 5 Rounds Run 400m 20 Pushups 10 Pullups Time cap of 20 minutesRead More
CFD is going to the NC State Fair on October 22nd! Check it out! WOD Strength: Push Press 3-3-3-1-1-1 Start around 80% and work up to 1RM for the day Metcon: 5 rounds 10 Walking Rack Lunges (135/95) – video 15 Pullups 10 Renagade Rows (40/30)Read More
WOD Strength: Clean Deadlift w/pauses at 2nd (below knee) and 1st position (below hip) 2-2-2-2-2-2 As heavy as possible with tight technique Metcon: AMRAP in 10 minutes 5 Power Clean (135/95) 5 Pullups 10 Power Clean 10 Pullups 15 Power Clean 15 Pullups 20 Power Clean 20 Pullups Etc., adding 5 reps to each exercise...Read More
We have a group marching in today’s NC Pride Parade. Everyone is welcome to march. Meet over on Main Street by Duke East Campus starting at 11am. Parade begins at 1pm! WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week Metcon: “Franzibeth” 21-15-9 Cluster (115/75) Pullups Ring DipsRead More