WOD Skills: Muscle Ups EMOM 10 minutes, max reps Then, Tabata Toes to Bar, 4 minutes Metcon: For Time: 50 Power Clean and Jerks, (135/95) Every minute on the minute, including the first minute, complete 5 Chest to Bar Pullups Time cap of 15 minutes Endurance: 10 x 250m Row :30 rest between setsRead More
We’re going to see the Durham Bulls on Star Wars Night, Saturday, May 7th! Get your tickets here by THURSDAY NIGHT, 10pm! WOD Strength: Clean 3-3-3-1-1-1 Establish 1RM Metcon: Death by Pullups: With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute… continuing as long...Read More
WOD Strength: 1 Clean + 2 Jerk 6 sets as heavy as possible Metcon: EMOM 12 minutes Odd Minutes – 3 Power Snatch (75% 1RM) Even Minutes – 40 Double UndersRead More
WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week Metcon: Teams of 3 complete (1 athlete works at a time): 200 Cal Bike 150 Cal Row 100 Box Jumps 75 Clean and Jerk (135/95) 15 Rope ClimbsRead More
WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: 3 Rounds: 14 Deadlifts (95/65) 14 Full Cleans (95/65) 14 Push Press (95/65) 50 Walking Lunge StepsRead More
Special St. Paddy’s Day WOD coming this Thursday! WOD Strength: 2 Clean Pulls + 2 Cleans 6 sets as heavy as possible Metcon: Alternating EMOM x 20: Odd – 5 Deadlifts (75% 1RM) Even – 15 Box Jumps (24/20)Read More
What a great Saturday morning for 16.3 yesterday! WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: Teams of 3: AMRAP 25 minutes: 100 Calorie Row 50 Clean and Jerks, 135/95 100 Calorie Row 50 Clean and Jerks 100 Calorie Row 50 Clean and Jerks 100 Calorie...Read More