CFD is going to the Bulls! Join us on Saturday, June 20th for our annual outing. Get your tickets here WOD Strength: Split Jerk 50% x 2 60% x 2 70% x 1 75% x 1 1-1-1-1 @ 80% Metcon: Run 1 Mile Then, in the balance up to 20 minute, EMOM 4 Power Cleans @...Read More
Snatch Fundamentals Class tonight at 6pm! WOD Strength: Hang Snatch 50% x 2 60% x 2 70% x 2 75% x 1 80% x 1 1-1-1-1 @ 85% 1RM Metcon: AMRAP in 7 minutes: 3 Deadlifts (275/185) 7 DB Push Press (40/30) – Rest – 2 minute Max Effort RowRead More
WOD Strength: Power Clean 50% x 2 60% x 2 70% x 2 80% x 1 85% x 1 1-1-1 @ 90% 1RM Metcon: Partner WOD: Rest/Row 1: 3 x 500 M row at 85% effort One rests the entire time while the other rows Try and bring your time down by 5 Seconds as...Read More
Holiday Week Schedule Christmas Eve – No evening workouts Christmas Day – WOD at 10am Friday, 12/26 – WODs and Bootcamp at 9 and 10am Saturday/Sunday – Regular Schedule WOD “12 Days of Christmas” 1 – Burpee Pullup 2- Turkish Get Ups 3- Knees to Elbows 4- Wall Ball 5- Kettlebell Swings 6- Box Jumps...Read More
Some changes to our programming beginning today. Read here WOD Strength: Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-1-1-1 As heavy as possible Metcon: 2 rounds for time: 10 Front Squats (205/155) 10 Burpee Muscle-Ups (burpee chest to bar pullups)Read More
Will you help us help the folks at Genesis Home this holiday season? Drop off “Items of Urgent Need” in the Barrel of Joy by our front door between now and December 10th! Most needed items: Bath towels (New ONLY) Pillows (New ONLY) Dishwashing liquid Bleach Hand soap WOD Skill: 1 minute of Single...Read More
WOD Skill: EMOM for 8 minutes: 2 Power Cleans from 1st position 2 Full Cleans from 1st position Use 50% 1RM Metcon: 7 rounds: 10 Power Clean (95/65) 10 Kettlebell Swings (70/52) 100m Run Rest 1 minute between roundsRead More
LAST DAY to drop off your cash donation so that we can purchase Thanksgiving Turkeys to be provided to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. CFD will match every dollar donated by our athletes so we can provide as many turkeys as possible to those who need them. WOD Strength (done before Skill today):...Read More
From now through Monday, we will be collecting cash donations so that we can purchase Thanksgiving Turkeys to be provided to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. CFD will match every dollar donated by our athletes so we can provide as many turkeys as possible to those who need them. WOD Strength:...Read More