
split jerk
Valentine’s Day Partner Challenge is TOMORROW from 9-11am! WOD Strength: 2 Jerk Balance + 1 Split Jerk 6 sets as heavy as possible Metcon: For time: 800m Run 40 Thrusters (65/45) 20 Bar Facing Burpees
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Our new 9-week programming cycle started this week!  Check it out here WOD Strength: Split Jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1 As heavy as possible Metcon: 4 Rounds: Run 400m 25 Burpees 15 Push Jerk (135/95)
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Join us TOMORROW afternoon for flag football at 1pm and TOMORROW night, 7-10pm, at Surf Club for our Annual Holiday Party! WOD Strength: 2 Jerk Balance + 1 Split Jerk 6 sets as heavy as possible Metcon: 15-12-9 Power Cleans (185/120) Handstand Pushups
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WOD Strength: 2 Clean + 1 Split Jerk 6 sets as heavy as you can by the last one Metcon: 5 2-minute rounds of: 3 Muscle Ups Shuttle sprint (3 times down and back the pullup rig) Max reps Goblet Squat (70/52) Rest 1 minute between rounds
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Our Halloween Weightlifting Spectacular and Pumpkin Halloween WODs are THIS Saturday!   WOD Strength: Split Jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1 Metcon: AMRAP in 15 minutes: 10 Pullups 30 Abmat Situps 50′ Walking Lunge 100 Double Unders
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Our Halloween Weightlifting Spectacular is THIS Saturday!  One women’s spot remain.  Email Dave! WOD Strength: 2 Jerk Balance + 1 Split Jerk 6 sets as heavy as possible Metcon: 5 rounds: 7 Deadlifts (275/185) 30 KB Swings (52/35) 7 Handstand Pushups Time cap of 18 minutes
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CFD is going to the NC State Fair TOMORROW!  Check it out! WOD Strength: Split Jerk 5-5-5-3-3-3 Start around 60% and work up to 85% 1RM by last set of 3 Metcon: For time Row 30 calories 30 Push Press (135/95) Row 30 calories
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CFD is going to the NC State Fair THIS THURSDAY!  Check it out! WOD Strength: 1 Clean Pull + 1 Clean + 1 Split Jerk 6 sets as heavy as possible with good technique Metcon: 3 Rounds 10 Deadlift (225/155) 15 Burpees Time cap of 15 minutes
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Thanks to all our ladies who came out for WOD and Wine on Saturday!  Guys, you’re up next!  Details coming soon! WOD Strength: Split Jerk Test 1RM Metcon: For Time: Run 800m Grace (30 x 135/65 GTOH) Run 800m Time cap of 15 minutes
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Oly Class Saturday morning at 9am and Pullup Class Sunday at 9am!  Special Shoulder Health Seminar with Dr. Krista Sunday morning at 10am! WOD Strength: Split Jerk 1-1-1 @ 95% 1RM Metcon: 6 Rounds for Time 5 Toes 2 Bar 10 Pushups 15 Wall balls (20/14)
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