
Check out the DUKE ROTC RANGER CHALLENGE TEAM in the Strength & Conditioning Journal   WOD for Wednesday 012010 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule Hang Cleans 5 reps @ 55% 5 reps @ 65% 5 reps @ 70% 5 reps @ 80% 5 repst @ 85% (max effort for the day) –Rest– 5 Rounds For Time...
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Check out the DUKE ROTC RANGER CHALLENGE TEAM in the Strength & Conditioning Journal   WOD for Tuesday 011910 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule Deadlift 5 reps @ 55% 5 reps @ 65% 5 reps @ 70% 5 reps @ 80% 5 repst @ 85% (max effort for the day) –Rest– Max Reps of: 60 seconds...
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Check out the DUKE ROTC RANGER CHALLENGE TEAM in the Strength & Conditioning Journal   WOD for Monday 011810 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule Front Squats 5 reps @ 55% 5 reps @ 65% 5 reps @ 70% 5 reps @ 80% 5 repst @ 85% (max effort for the day) –Rest– AMRAP in 12 minutes...
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*SURVEY QUESTION OF THE WEEKEND*  What changes/additions have you made to your Strength & Conditioning routine since the New Year?  Post answers to comments WOD for Sunday 011710 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule 5 Rounds For Time of: 25 KB Swings (52/35) 200m Sandbag Run  Post Time to Comments Movements should be scaled to allow for...
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Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Wilkes’ Weightlifting! Sunday, February 21st.  More info here! THERE ARE ONLY A COUPLE OF SPOTS LEFT –SIGN UP NOW! January FOUNDATIONS Classes Starting January 26th (Tues/Thurs @7pm) Starting February 16th (Tues/Thurs @7pm) WOD for Saturday 011610 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3 Progressively add weight to the bar during the first 4...
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Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Wilkes’ Weightlifting! Sunday, February 21st.  More info here! THERE ARE ONLY A COUPLE OF SPOTS LEFT –SIGN UP NOW! January FOUNDATIONS Classes Starting January 26th (Tues/Thurs @7pm) Starting February 16th (Tues/Thurs @7pm) WOD for Friday 011510 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule Press 5-5-5-3-3-3 Progressively add weight to the bar during the first 4...
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Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Wilkes’ Weightlifting! Sunday, February 21st.  More info here! SPOTS ARE FILLING UP QUICKLY….SIGN UP NOW! January FOUNDATIONS Classes Starting January 26th (Tues/Thurs @7pm) WOD for Thursday 011410 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule “Jeremy” 21-15-9 Overhead Squats (95/65)  Burpees  Post Time to Comments Loads should be scaled to allow for proper movement...
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Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Wilkes’ Weightlifting! Sunday, February 21st.  More info here! SPOTS ARE FILLING UP QUICKLY….SIGN UP NOW! January FOUNDATIONS Classes Starting January 26th (Tues/Thurs @7pm) WOD for Wednesday 011310 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule Cleans 3-3-3-1-1-1 Progressively add weight to the bar on the first four sets.  On the 5th and 6th set...
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Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Wilkes’ Weightlifting! Sunday, February 21st.  More info here! SPOTS ARE FILLING UP QUICKLY….SIGN UP NOW! January FOUNDATIONS Classes Starting January 26th (Tues/Thurs @7pm) WOD for Tuesday 011210 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule AMRAP in 10 minutes of: 20 1-Hand KB Swings (10 each side) (35/25) 10 Supine Ring Rows  –Rest 5...
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Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Wilkes’ Weightlifting! Sunday, February 21st.  More info here! SPOTS ARE FILLING UP QUICKLY….SIGN UP NOW! January FOUNDATIONS Classes Starting January 26th (Tues/Thurs @7pm) WOD for Monday 011110 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule Back Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3 Progressively add weight to the bar on the first four sets.  On the 5th and 6th...
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