
Strength & Conditioning Workouts
Warm Up: 3 Rounds15 Jumping Jacks8 Curtsy Lunges (4/4):10 Hollow hold:20 Butterfly Stretch Build: Lower Body Every 3 minutes for 3 rounds -4 Multiplanar lunges/side-:30 second squat hold(Goblet hold) Snatch Work: EMOTM X 6 Mins 4 rounds of the following complex with a broomstick or barbell:1 Snatch Grip Deadlift1 Hang Muscle Snatch1 Hang Power Snatch1...
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2 Total Rounds: 2 Min on/2 min off (partners trade working intervals) 2 MIn AMRAP 15 Lateral Burpees over DB/KB Max Reps Alt. DB Snatch 2 Min AMRAP: 25 Goblet Squats Max Reps Jump Squat over DB/KB 2 Min AMRAP 20 Shoulder 2 Overhead (10/arm) Max Reps Single Arm Floor Press (change arms every 5...
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Warm Up: 1 round: :30 seconds jogs in place :15 seconds of high knees :15 seconds of butt kickers Ministry of silly walks: (Shoes off) 10 steps on heels (toes up) 10 steps on toes 10 steps on inside of feer 10 steps on outside Forrest Gump Training: Every 3:00 x 4 sets (12 Mins)...
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Warm Up: 2 Rounds 10 Samson Lunges 10 Toy Soldier Kicks 5/5 Bird Dogs 10 Good Mornings 10 Sumo Inch Worms (NO push up) Barbell Gymnastics (10 mins) EMOTM x 10 Mins w/ PVC Pipe or Broomstick 3 Snatch High Pulls 3 Power Snatches 3 Hang Squat Snatches 3 OHS Goblet Squat Pyramid (10 Mins)...
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Warm Up: 2 Rounds, Tabata style (:20 seconds on :10 seconds off) High Knees Arm Swings Across/Up and Down Prisoner Squats Strict Press Calf Raises Handstand Pushup/Pike Pushup: EMOTM x 6 Mins 3-10 Strict HSPU or Pike Pushups Core Work: Planks Tabata Plank Series: 3 sets :20 Middle Plank :10 rest :20 (R)Side Plank :10...
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Warm Up: 2 RDS Tabata Style (:20 on/:10 off) Butt Kickers High Knees Plank Arm Circles Bodyweight Russian Twists Shoulder Mobility: (5 Mins) 2 Rounds: 15 Passthroughs (pvc, broomstick, band etc) :20 relaxed hang from something (can sub puppy pose as needed) Prone Pec Stretch x :30 each side (1st round bent arm, 2nd round...
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Warm Up: -30 jumping jacks 3 rounds -10 alternating Toy solider kicks – 5 inch worms (no pushup) w/ a twist – 10 alt. Walk the dog – 5 boot strap squats 2 rounds -Unweighted single leg deadlifts x 5/side -10 glute Bridges Lower Body: Romanian Deadlift Marathon Sets: With whatever weight you have available.....
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A) Warm Up: 2 Rounds: Jog 200 Meters 10 Cobra Twists 10 Arm Circles forward 10 Arm Circles Back :20 Plank Hold (straight arms) B)Workout Perform with a partner and split reps as desired or rock this solo at 50 reps of everything! For time.. but move a little slower to preserve quality (and pump)!...
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A) Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 20 Alternating Arm Hugs (Swings) 10 Belly Dancer arms  10 Scap Push-ups  :10 Bear Crawl 5 Up Downs 10 No Weight Deadlifts B) Upper Body Pump (Bicep/Tricep) 3 sets: 20-30 Bicep Curls (banded, DB, KB, Back Pack) 20-30 Tricep Extensions (can be banded, DB Skull Crushers, Chair Dips) rest :60...
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A) Warm Up: 1 Round 20 Hands behind head Goodmornings  20 Russian Twists  10 Twisted Crosses Face Up 5 Shoulder Tap Push-ups on Knees 20 Ice Skaters  10 Alternating Lunges in a Plank  B) L-Sit Progression (Wk 1.) (10 mins) V-Sit Holds- Make sure to watch the video!! 4 x :20-:30 rest :60 *You need...
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