
air squat
Segment 1: 5 Minute Window… Row 400m + 1 Rd of Cindy AMRAP Power Cleans (155/105) -rest 5 mins- Segment 2: 5 Minute Window… Row 300m + 2 Rds of Cindy AMRAP Power Cleans (185/135) – at least increase the load from the first round -5 min rest- Segment 3: 5 Minute Window… Row 200m...
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Segment 1: 3 Rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats) 1 Round of DT (12 deadlift, 9 hang power clean, 6 push jerk) 2 rounds of Cindy 1 Round of DT 1 rounds of Cindy 1 round of DT Scale as needed  to finish in 15 minutes or less Segment 2: 3×8...
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Segment 1: 10 Rounds: Junkyard Dog Warmup (10 rounds of each segment)  Segment 2: Teams of 3: 10 Pushups Limbo 10 Air Squats  Segment 3: Turkish Get Ups 10 each side, add load each round Segment 4: Burner WOD 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Pushups (scale up to Ring Pushups) 25 Wall Ball (20/12) Scale...
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Today we honor those who have fallen in defense of our Nation and our freedoms.  Please consider a donation to the Michael P. Murphy Foundation as we pay tribute to the fallen with the Hero WOD “Murph” “Murph” For Time Run 1 mile 100 Pullups 200 Pushups 300 Air Squats Run 1 Mile Partition as...
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WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: For time: 1 round: 100 double-unders 50 squats 95-lb. push press, 25 reps Then, 2 rounds: 60 double-unders 30 squats 95-lb. push press, 15 reps Then, 3 rounds: 40 double-unders 20 squats 95-lb. push press, 10 reps
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Join us for 16.5 on Saturday from 9am-12pm! Team Bonus Points available for each athlete that posts a FB testimonial on the CFD page with #whyilovecrossfitdurham WOD Strength: Press  3-3-3-1-1-1 As heavy as possible Metcon: AMRAP in 7 minutes: 2 shuttle sprints (pulllup rig down and back equals one) 10 air squat  10 V-ups
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WOD  Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: Teams of 2 AMRAP 20: 3 Air Squat, 3 Toes To Bar, 3 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 6 Air Squat, 6 Toes To Bar, 6 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 9 Air Squat, 9 Toes To Bar, 9 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)...
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16.3 tomorrow morning from 9am – noon! WOD Strength: Turkish Get Ups 10 each side as heavy as possible Metcon: 5 Rounds  Tabata squats 20 on 10 off , Then 400m run 4 Rounds Tabata Squats, Then 400m run 3 Rounds Tabata Squats, Then 400m run 2 Rounds Tabata Squats, Then 400m run 1 Rounds Tabata Squats,...
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WOD  Strength: Hang Clean 1-1-1-1 @ 85% 1RM Metcon: Tabata Kettlebell Swings (52/35) Rest 1 Minute Tabata Double Unders Rest 1 Minute Tabata Air Squat Rest 1 Minute Tabata KB Snatch (52/35)
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Our Valentine’s Day Couple Challenge is coming on Saturday, February 14th!  This is not a competition as much as it’s a challenge to complete with your chosen partner.  Check out the details here We’re starting a NEW 6 week strength training cycle TODAY!  We’ll be back to lifting heavy 5x/week, with 6 movements, rotated over...
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