Segment 1: EMOM 10 minutes: 1 Squat Clean and Split Jerk (Same weight across, increasing loads, work to 1RM) Segment 2: 7 Rounds For Time: 10 unbroken C2B Pullups Scale the number per round as needed to go unbroken. Rest as needed between rounds, but whole segment should be less than 15 minutes. Segment 3:...Read More
Segment 1: EMOM in 10 minutes: 1 Squat Clean and Split Jerk Same weight across, increasing weight each round, or work up to 1RM Segment 2: 10 Rounds For Time: 3 unbroken Muscle Ups (bar or rings) Scale to 5 or 3 unbroken Pullups Segment 3: 4 Rounds: 400m Run 4 Rope Climbs (or 10...Read More
WOD Strength: Split Jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1 Up to 1RM Metcon: AMRAP in 10 minutes: 10 Deadlift (225/165) 10 KB Snatch (52/35) – 5 each side 5 Handstand PushupsRead More
16.5 Announcement tonight at 8pm! WOD Strength: 1 Split Jerk + 2 Jerk Balance 6 sets as heavy as possible Metcon: 3 Rounds 6 Toes To Bar 12 Burpee box jumps 24 KB rack lunges (52/35)Read More
16.3 viewing party is TONIGHT at 8pm! WOD Strength: Split Jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1 Up to 100% 1RM Metcon: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65) Push Jerk Time cap of 12 minutesRead More
Open WOD 16.2 goes down on Saturday, 9am – 12pm! Strength: Split Jerk 5-5-5-3-3-3 Up to 85% 1RM Metcon: 50,40,30,20 Calorie Row 80,60,40,20 Double Unders Time cap of 18 minutesRead More